August 2, 2024

Building a secure Copilot: Addressing key security challenges


In developing a Copilot application, several key challenges must be addressed to ensure security, performance, and reliability. These challenges involve data storage, network architecture, authentication, web interface security, prompt integrity, and security controls. Tackling these effectively is crucial for building a robust Copilot that meets functional and security standards.


Challenges/considerations of Copilot development

1.      Data encryption: A primary challenge is ensuring that all stored data is encrypted at rest. This includes databases, file systems, and backups, all of which must be protected against unauthorized access. Managing cryptographic keys securely is another significant challenge, as improper handling can compromise the entire encryption scheme.

2.       Network architecture: Designing a secure and scalable network architecture presents several challenges. Setting up virtual networks (VNet) and virtual private networks (VPN) to isolate and protect network traffic is complex. Additionally, safeguarding the network from various threats and ensuring continuous availability are ongoing concerns.

3.       Authentication: Implementing robust authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access is crucial. This includes managing role-based access control (RBAC) to assign appropriate permissions and incorporating multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security.

4.       Web interface security: Securing the web interface against attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS), SQL injection, and cross-site scripting (XSS) is essential but challenging. Ensuring that all data transmitted between Copilot, users, and external systems is encrypted using HTTPS and TLS/SSL protocols helps protect against interception and tampering.

5.       Prompt integrity: Ensuring the integrity and security of AI prompts to prevent prompt injection attacks is a key challenge. This involves validating and sanitizing inputs to maintain the integrity of AI interactions. Additionally, adhering to responsible AI guidelines and industry standards is essential to ensure ethical and fair use of AI technologies.

6.       Security controls: Implementing and maintaining comprehensive security controls across the Copilot system is a continuous challenge. This includes developing and updating threat models to identify and mitigate potential risks, configuring VNets for network isolation, and using monitoring tools for continuous oversight.


Data storage

Ensure that all data stored by Copilot is encrypted at rest. Use industry-standard encryption algorithms, such as AES-256, to secure data in databases, file systems, and backups. Encryption at rest protects data from unauthorized access when stored.

Key Vault

Use Key Vault for managing and storing cryptographic keys, secrets, and certificates used for data encryption. This service provides robust security and compliance features, ensuring that keys are safeguarded and managed appropriately.

Example: Use Key Vault to store Entra ID secrets, storage account keys, and encryption keys. These are used to securely access other resources and encrypt or decrypt metadata for Copilot data sources or logs/responses from Copilot.


Database encryption

Implement Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) for databases used by Copilot to protect data at the storage level by encrypting the database files.

Example: Enable TDE for an Azure SQL Database to ensure all data is encrypted at rest.



All data transmitted between Copilot, users, and external systems should be encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. This ensures that data cannot be intercepted or tampered with during transmission.

Example: Enable HTTPS for a web application hosted on Azure App Service using a custom domain. Ensure that all HTTP traffic is automatically redirected to HTTPS to secure web applications.

Note: Establish clear data retention policies to determine how long data is stored and when it should be deleted.



Using virtual networks

Virtual networks (VNets) provide a means to isolate and secure network communication. When developing and deploying Copilot applications, VNets can play a critical role in securing content by controlling network traffic, segregating environments, and providing secure connectivity. Learn more about how VNets secures content in Copilot development below:

1.     Isolating development environments

VNets can be used to create isolated environments for development, testing, and production. This isolation helps ensure that content and data are secure and that only authorized components can interact with each other.

Example: Create separate VNets for development, staging, and production environments. Segment the VNet into smaller networks by creating subnets for isolating resources.


2.     Controlling network traffic with NSGs

Network Security Groups (NSGs) allow you to create rules that define allowed or denied traffic to and from resources within a VNet. This control is crucial for securing the Copilot application by restricting access to sensitive data and services.

Example: Allow only HTTPS traffic to the Copilot application and control inbound/outbound traffic to network interfaces and subnets.


3.     Securing access to services with service endpoints

Service endpoints allow VNets to connect to services over a direct, private route. This ensures that communication between your Copilot application and services like Azure SQL Database or Azure Storage is secure and remains within a private network.

Example: Enable a service endpoint for Azure Storage on a VNet. These extend your VNet's private IP address space and the identity of your VNet to Azure services.


4.     VNet peering for secure resource access

VNet peering enables you to connect VNets, allowing resources in different VNets to communicate securely without going through the public internet. This is useful for scenarios where Copilot components are spread across multiple VNets.

Example: Connects VNets, enabling resources in different VNets to communicate.


Best practices for securing content with VNets in Copilot development

1.     Apply least privilege principle: Apply the principle of least privilege by using NSGs to restrict access to only necessary services and ports.

2.     Segment the Copilot: Use multiple VNets and subnets to segment different parts of the Copilot application (such as frontend, backend, and database layers).

3.     Monitor and log incidents: Implement network monitoring and logging to detect and respond to security incidents.

4.     Ensure encryptions are applied: Ensure all communication between VNets and services is encrypted using protocols such as TLS/SSL.



API Management

Azure API Management (APIM) is a fully managed service that enables organizations to publish, secure, transform, maintain, and monitor APIs. In Copilot development, APIM can play a crucial role in securing content by providing a robust framework for controlling access, monitoring usage, and enforcing policies. Learn more about how Azure API Management secures content in Copilot development below:

1.     Access control

APIM allows you to define who can access your APIs using subscription keys, OAuth 2.0, or other authentication mechanisms. This ensures that only authorized users can access the sensitive data and functionality provided by your Copilot application.

Example: Use subscription keys to control access to Azure Open AI services and backend services. Configure OAuth 2.0 in API Management to ensure only authenticated requests are processed by setting up policies.


2.     Rate limiting and throttling

To protect your APIs from being overwhelmed by too many requests, you can implement rate limiting and throttling policies. These policies ensure that your Copilot application remains responsive and available to all users.

Example: Limit API calls to 100 requests per minute per user.


3.     Authentication and authorization

APIM supports various authentication methods—including OAuth 2.0, JWT validation, and basic authentication—to ensure that only authenticated users can access your APIs. Additionally, you can enforce role-based access control to manage permissions.

Example: Validate a JWT token for API access.


4.     Applying policies

Policies in APIM allow you to enforce security and performance standards across your APIs. You can implement policies for logging, caching, transforming requests and responses, and more.

Example: Add a CORS policy to enable cross-origin requests.


Best practices for securing content with APIM in Copilot development

1.     Use strong authentication: Implement OAuth 2.0 or JWT-based authentication to ensure that only authenticated users can access your APIs.

2.     Enforce rate limiting: Protect your APIs from abuse by implementing rate limiting and throttling policies.

3.     Apply least privilege principle: Use RBAC to ensure that users have only the permissions they need.

4.     Monitor and log: Enable detailed logging and monitoring to detect and respond to security incidents.

5.     Regularly review and update policies: Ensure that your policies are up-to-date and reflect the latest security standards.


Web interface

In the development of Copilot applications, securing content against various threats, including DDoS attacks, is critical. Azure Front Door, combined with other Azure security services, provides a robust solution to safeguard your applications and data.


Azure Front Door

Azure Front Door is a scalable and secure entry point for fast delivery of your global applications. It provides traffic load balancing and optimizes application performance while protecting against threats. Azure Front Door has a range of features, including:

1.      DDoS protection: Built-in protection against DDoS attacks at the network and application layers.

2.      Web Application Firewall (WAF): Customizable rules to protect web applications from common threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting.


Web Application Firewall (WAF)

WAF helps protect your web applications by filtering and monitoring HTTP requests for malicious activity.

1.      Custom rules: Define custom rules or use preconfigured rulesets to protect against common threats. Configure the WAF policy to monitor, block, or redirect malicious traffic.

2.      Preconfigured rules: Protect against common threats such as SQL injection and XSS.

Example: Apply the WAF policy to your Front Door instance to protect incoming traffic.


Prompt flows

Prompt flows in a Copilot application involve the sequence of interactions between the user and the AI model, including inputs, processing, and outputs. Ensuring the security of these flows involves a range of aspects, detailed below.


Protecting against prompt injection

Prompt injection occurs when an attacker manipulates the input to the AI model to execute unintended commands or obtain unauthorized information. To mitigate this risk, consider the following strategies:

a. Input validation

·         Sanitize inputs: Ensure that all inputs are validated and sanitized to remove any potentially harmful content.

·         Use whitelists: Restrict input to a predefined set of allowed values or formats.

b. Prompt design

·         Restrict prompts: Design prompts in a way that limits the ability for malicious input to affect the output.

·         Use contextual boundaries: Ensure that prompts are clearly defined and do not include sensitive or privileged information.

Ensuring responsible AI

Responsible AI involves ensuring that AI systems are fair, transparent, and accountable. Assess your data for biases and ensure that the training data represents diverse populations.

Standard test cases for AI

Standard test cases help ensure that AI models function correctly and reliably across different scenarios.

·         Unit testing: Test individual components of the AI model for correct behavior.

·         End-to-end testing: Test the entire system, including data input, processing, and output.

·         Scalability: Test how the model performs under varying loads and scales.

·         Response time: Measure the time taken for the model to respond to requests.


Security controls


·        Multi-factor authentication (MFA): Enable MFA for all users accessing Copilot to add an extra layer of security beyond just passwords. MFA helps protect accounts from unauthorized access by requiring an additional verification method.

·        Azure Active Directory (AAD): Integrate Copilot with Azure Active Directory for centralized user management and secure access control. AAD provides a single sign-on (SSO) experience and integrates with various identity providers.

·        Conditional access policies: Use Azure AD Conditional Access policies to enforce access controls based on user location, device state, and other conditions to improve security.



·        Role-based access control (RBAC): Implement RBAC to restrict user access based on their role within the organization. Define roles with the principle of least privilege, ensuring users have only the permissions necessary for their tasks.

·        Just-in-time (JIT) access: Configure JIT access for sensitive operations, granting users temporary elevated permissions only when needed. JIT access reduces the risk of unauthorized actions by limiting the duration of elevated permissions.

·        Privileged Identity Management (PIM): Utilize Azure AD Privileged Identity Management to manage, control, and monitor access to important resources in Copilot. PIM can enforce policies such as just-in-time access, approval workflows, and access reviews.


Securing content in Copilot involves a comprehensive approach to ensure data protection and user trust. By focusing on the aspects detailed above, you can safeguard sensitive information and maintain compliance with industry standards. Effective security practices not only protect data but also improve the functionality and reliability of the Copilot. Prioritizing these security measures will enable you to create a secure, efficient, and user-friendly environment that meets the rigorous demands of enterprise applications.