August 30, 2024

Modernizing reporting platforms through AI-driven SQL Migration


Need for transformation

A leading automotive retailer's legacy on-premises system had become a bottleneck, with an unresponsive user interface and a poor user experience. With this, they recognized the need to modernize its reporting infrastructure. The existing infrastructure had limited scalability, resulting in slow response times. There was also a growing inability to quickly create or adjust reports, making it difficult for executives and business managers to access timely and accurate insights required for business decisions.

To address these challenges, the company went on a digital transformation journey. The goals were to modernize its reporting platform and automate the migration of PostgreSQL objects to Snowflake. This would improve system performance and allow for efficient scaling to meet the growing reporting needs across the organization.


The ask

·        Modernize the platform: Transform the outdated on-premises SQL infrastructure to a scalable and responsive cloud-based solution.

·        Automate migration: Use OpenAI to automate the migration of on-premises PostgreSQL objects to Snowflake SQL.

·        Create a reusable framework: Develop a reusable API and UI framework that can scale with the company's growing reporting needs.

Tackling the task

Figure 1: Proof of concept diagram

To address these requirements, the project team conducted a comprehensive assessment and proposed a two-pronged approach: modernizing the platform and automating the migration process.

Migration strategy: The data warehouse was migrated from PostgreSQL stored procedures/functions to Snowflake views. OpenAI played a crucial role in automating and expediting this process. A Python tool was developed to take stored procedures/functions, prompts, and table mappings as input. It generated likely executable code tailored specifically for On-Premises to Snowflake SQL migration. This allowed the team to efficiently manage the complex migrations.

Dynamic routing and configurable UI: A dynamic routing framework was created for the API, along with a configurable UI framework. This made the solution highly adaptable, ensuring that the platform can scale seamlessly to meet new reporting requirements.


Several technical challenges arose during the migration:

·        Stored procedure length: Large stored procedures were difficult to migrate due to the input and output token size limitations of Azure OpenAI models. To overcome this, the team manually added delimiters to split the code into manageable segments. This ensured accurate migration without breaking logic or joins.

·        Syntax errors: The initial proof of concept revealed syntax errors due to differences in SQL dialects between PostgreSQL and Snowflake. For example, functions like ISNULL in PostgreSQL were incompatible with Snowflake. The team iteratively refined the OpenAI prompts to avoid such issues.

·       Control flow statements: Converting control flow statements from procedural code in stored procedures to set-based views required innovative approaches. Loops were transformed into recursive CTEs, and conditional statements were converted into WHERE conditions.

·       Handling parameters in views: Unlike stored procedures, views do not accept parameters. This challenge was addressed by incorporating parameters as columns in the views and applying conditions to filter the data accordingly.


The solution and outcome

Figure 2: Results summary

The final solution led to significant improvements in the reporting platform:

·        Efficiency gains: The Python tool developed for the migration process enabled faster, error-free, and optimized code migration. Simple stored procedures that previously took 4 hours to migrate manually could now be migrated in just 1 hour using the tool. For complex procedures, the tool reduced migration time from 13 hours to 5 hours.

·        Improved user experience: The web application was modernized, becoming more responsive. This greatly improved the user experience. Overall response times improved, leading to a more efficient and user-friendly application.

·       Scalable framework: The reusable frameworks developed for the API and UI ensured that the solution could easily scale to meet future reporting needs. This reduced the overall effort required for subsequent projects.


The implementation of this solution brought impactful benefits:

·       Consistency: The centralized framework ensured consistency across various applications, reducing discrepancies and improving data accuracy.

·       Efficiency: Automated access provisioning reduced time and manual effort, allowing teams to focus on more strategic tasks.

·       Security: Improved data security through role-based access control and security classification-based access, minimizing the risk of data breaches.


Future outlook

The configurable and reusable nature of the developed tool and frameworks positions the client for future success. The tool can be adapted for other engagements, offering scalability and integration potential with existing tools. This ensures the client is well-prepared to meet the evolving demands of the automotive industry with a robust and flexible reporting platform.