August 22, 2024

Strengthening cybersecurity with Managed Identity and RBAC

In an era of increasingly sophisticated digital threats, robust cybersecurity is a top priority, especially for companies using cloud platforms like Azure. A global technology leader in Azure security products needed to safeguard sensitive data and maintain the integrity of digital infrastructures. This case study highlights how our team implemented advanced security measures, focusing on key cybersecurity pillars, to significantly improve the company’s security posture.

We identified three scenarios within the project where existing security implementations required updates. These updates focused on Managed Identity, Federated Identity Credentials, and Role-Based Access Control.

Scenario 1: Transition from API Keys to Managed Identity and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Problem statement

The client relied on API keys to authenticate Azure Functions with Azure AI Text Analytics and Language services. With evolving security guidelines, discontinuing the use of these keys became crucial. The primary goal was to adopt Managed Identity and RBAC to secure access and eliminate vulnerabilities from storing API keys.

Implementation strategy

·        Identity management configuration: We set up user-assigned managed identities within Azure Resource Management. This identity was linked to the 'Cognitive Service User' role, ensuring only authorized identities accessed the Azure services.

·        Secure authentication process: We migrated service endpoints to custom domain endpoints. By using Managed Identity and Azure's DefaultAzureCredential, we established a more secure and streamlined authentication process.

·        Code revisions for security: The codebase was updated to integrate the new security model. This included creating a TextAnalyticsClient object capable of dynamically generating tokens for Azure AI Translator services, replacing the insecure API key method.


This shift from API keys to Managed Identity improved security by eliminating the need to store sensitive keys in Azure Key Vault and reducing the potential for key leakage. As a result, the client achieved a more secure and streamlined authentication process, improving their overall security framework.

Scenario 2: Improving storage account security through Managed Identity

Problem statement
The client previously managed secrets for the AzureWebJobsStorage environment variables in Key Vault. With new security mandates from Microsoft, there was a need to eliminate the use of access keys and transition to a more secure, automated system.

Implementation strategy

·        Role-Based Access Assignment: We assigned the ‘Storage Blob Data Owner’ role to the Azure Function App's system-assigned managed identity. This ensured the app had the necessary permissions to securely access storage resources.

·        Environment Variable Transition: To improve security, we replaced the traditional AzureWebJobsStorage environment variable with the AzureWebJobsStorage__accountName variable, linking it directly to the storage account's name.

·        Secret Management Automation: By removing dependencies on storage account connection strings, we minimized manual secret management and enabled automated key rotation. This reduces the risk of exposure.


Implementing managed identities instead of traditional access keys significantly reduced the administrative overhead of secret management. This transition improved security and streamlined operations, allowing the client's teams to focus on more strategic tasks.



Scenario 3: Implementing Federated Identity Credentials for app registration

Problem statement
To meet the latest security requirements, the client needed to eliminate the use of secrets for app registration authentication. The solution involved adopting Federated Identity Credentials (FIC) to ensure a more secure and scalable authentication method.

Implementation strategy

·        Federated identity setup: We integrated federated credentials into the required app registrations. This allowed the client to use federated identities for secure, secret-less authentication.

·        Token generation configuration: Managed Identity was configured to dynamically generate tokens, which were then used to securely interact with services like Event Hub.

·        Scope and permission management: We enabled the application to call various services by generating tokens with appropriate scopes, ensuring secure and authorized access to resources.

The transition to Federated Identity Credentials significantly enhanced the security of the client’s app registrations. By eliminating the need for secrets, the client reduced its attack surface and established a more robust and scalable authentication mechanism.

How our new approach aligns with key pillars of security

Across all three scenarios, our approach focused on the following key cybersecurity pillars:

1.      Protect identity and secrets

o      Implemented Managed Identity to eliminate the need for API keys and secrets, ensuring that only authorized identities access critical resources.

o      Used RBAC to enforce fine-grained access permissions, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

o      Adopted Federated Identity Credentials to secure app registrations without relying on traditional secrets.

2.      Protect tenants and isolate production systems

o      Migrated authentication processes to Managed Identity, removing vulnerabilities linked to API key storage and manual secret management.

o      Strengthened security around service endpoints and minimized the risk of breaches by replacing access keys with automated token generation.

3.      Protect network and engineering systems

o      Automated key rotation and secret management, reducing human error and improving operational efficiency.

o      Simplified security configurations, allowing the client's teams to focus on more strategic initiatives while maintaining robust security controls.

4.      Monitor and detect threat

o      Secured communication channels and endpoints by transitioning to custom domain endpoints, reducing the potential attack surface.

o      Protected sensitive data by using Managed Identity for all authentication processes, effectively mitigating risks associated with key leakage.

5.      Compliance and standards adherence

o      Ensured alignment with Microsoft's updated security standards, helping the client remain compliant with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.


Key advantages of Managed Identity over traditional key-based security

Adopting Managed Identity offers significant benefits compared to traditional key-based security mechanisms like Azure Key Vault:

·        Elimination of secret management: Managed Identity removes the need for managing credentials and secrets, reducing administrative burden and the risk of exposure.

·        Increased security: Applications using Managed Identity can securely access Azure resources without the need for hardcoded credentials, mitigating potential vulnerabilities.

·        Simplified access control: Managed Identities integrate seamlessly with Azure Active Directory, enabling centralized and granular control over resource access.

·        Cost efficiency: The reduced need for managing, rotating, and securing keys or secrets translates into lower operational costs.


This case study showcases how our comprehensive approach to cybersecurity enabled a global technology company to fortify its security infrastructure. By transitioning to Managed Identity and implementing RBAC, the client safeguarded its digital assets while establishing a secure and scalable foundation for future growth. This proactive approach to security reinforces the company’s reputation as a leader in the industry, ensuring continued trust and confidence from its customers.